My name is Commissioner Meg Forney and I am running for re-election because I am deeply passionate about our parks and their future. I am committed to continuing my work to enhance our park system.
Having served as Park Board president for three years, I am now focused on key priorities:
Making parks more accessible for all Minneapolis families
Improving the environment and community well-being
Diversifying revenue sources to ease the property tax burden on residents.
Why a Vote for Meg is a Value-Added Vote
She is passionate about Parks.
She has proven commitment.
She practices public service.
She jumps in with both feet.
She finds creative solutions.
She is a team player.
She sees the big picture.
She listens before she acts.
(Legal maximum per individual is $1000; full name, address, and employer is required at time of contribution.)
Now more than ever, I believe we need to work to promote equitable park access for all families, to improve the environment and community well being, and to diversify revenue sources to ease the property tax burden on residents. These opportunities will be the key focus of my next term, and that’s why I’m asking for your number-one-choice vote on November 4th.